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What is included in the beard growth kit?

Activator Serum

Activator serum promotes hair growth by contributing nutrition to the hair follicles. The serum contains natural ingredients such as
ginseng, which is known for its wonders.

Beard Roller

With our specially designed beard roller, you bring your hair follicles to life in a gentle way. It stimulates blood circulation in the beard area and kick-starts the growth phase for a thicker and healthier beard.


With our sanitizer, you ensure that your beard roller remains free of bacteria before and after each use. Effective and easy to use that provides a guaranteed and hygienic beard care routine with each use.

Beard comb

Our ergonomic comb is the ultimate tool to shape and style your beard to perfection.

Before and after results that speak for themselves

See for yourself how our customers experience improvements in their beard growth and confidence with our Beard Growth Kit. With regular use, you get a beard that not only impresses, but also reflects your unique style and personality.



Money back guarantee

No results? Follow these steps:

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Use the beard growth kit for 150 days


Take weekly progress pictures


No new growth? Claim your warranty

How do I use the beard growth kit?


Disinfect the beard roller with our sanitizer before and after each use. Clean and prepare your beard for treatment.

Beard Roller

Roll the beard roller 15 times on the beard area with light, vertical and horizontal movements every three days.

Activator Serum

Massage Activator Serum into the beard to stimulate growth and nourishment.

Customer Reviews

Based on 13 reviews
Marcus B.
Otroligt överraskad!

Använt flertal olika skäggtillväxt produkter och ingen har fungerat trots lång tids användning. Jag använde mig av denna kit och blev glatt överraskad. Första månaden märkte jag inget, men månad 2-4 så märkte jag en otrolig skillnad och är väldigt nöjd över mitt köp.
Rekommenderar starkt!!

Snabba förbättringar

Jag har haft den här produkten i ca 3 veckor och jag har börjat se mina kala fläckar att fyllas igen. Jag kan inte vänta med att se processen under dem nästkommande veckorna och kommer definitivt att och berätta för vänner om den här produkten.

Peter N.
Fantastiskt Skäggtillväxtkit!

Fantastiskt Skäggtillväxtkit! Efter bara några användningar har mitt skägg blivit tjockare och fylligare. Serumet och Beard Roller fungerar perfekt ihop. Rekommenderar starkt!


Rekommenderas, otrolig snabb leverans fick hem den nästa dag efter att jag hade beställt. Påbörjade processen samma dag nu ungefär 3 veckor senare så har jag märkt att kala fläckar har fyllts och mitt skägg har blivit allmänt starkare.

Rasmus F.
En gamechanger för mitt skägg

Jag har alltid drömt om ett fylligt och välmående skägg, men tyvärr har jag alltid haft svårt att få det att växa som jag vill. Men sedan jag upptäckte Mr Beard's skäggtillväxtkit har allt förändrats för mig!

Detta paket är en verklig gamechanger för mitt skägg. Innehållet är otroligt effektivt och har verkligen gett min skäggväxt en ordentlig boost. Redan efter några veckor märkte jag att mitt skägg blev tjockare, fylligare och mer välmående än någonsin tidigare.

Tack Mr Beard för att ni har förvandlat mitt skägg till det bästa någonsin!


Read our Help page with more frequently asked questions if you want to know more.

How does it work?

The beard roller creates microscopic channels in your skin, which maximizes your blood circulation and the absorption of the Activator serum. The serum then activates your dormant "sleeping" hair follicles and stimulates new beard growth.

How often should I use the beard growth kit?

The Activator Serum should be applied once every morning. It's a leave-in serum, which means you don't need to wash your face after application. Apply 2 pumps after washing your face.

We recommend using the Beard Roller 2 times a week for best results. Spray the beard roller with sanitizer (2-3 sprays) before use. Wash the beard roller with warm (not boiling) water after use.

When can I expect results?

Most people see new hairs grow after 4-8 weeks of using the beard growth kit. It is important to keep in mind that beards do not grow overnight. It is a process that takes time.

We recommend that you use the beard growth kit for at least 150 days before assessing your beard growth.

Can I shave while using the Beard Growth Kit?

You can trim your beard if you prefer to keep it short (Not shorter than 4mm).

However, in order to avoid destroying the formation of new vellus hairs, we do not recommend shaving.

You can start using the Activator Serum for any type of beard and any length.

How long does the Beard Roller last?

If properly cared for, the Beard Roller will typically last for 5 months. The needles must always be sharp enough to easily penetrate the skin. If not, a replacement is needed.

Do I need to continue using the kit to maintain my results?

For a vellus hair to become a terminal hair, it can take from 2 months to a year - or even more. But these cases are rare. When the hair has become terminal, the frequent application of the serum is no longer needed - but we recommend that you apply the serum once a week.

Is there any downside to the beard growth kit?

There are many studies on this topic and so far nothing negative has been found. 

Do I have to be consistent with the beard growth kit?

We recommend constant use of the beard growth kit to achieve the best possible results. For a fleece hair to develop into a mature hair, it can take from 2 months to a year, and maybe more than that. When you have noticed that your beard hairs have become fuller and thicker, you do not need to be as consistent with the activator serum. However, we recommend that you continue to use the activator serum constantly.